Synonyms: Fearless, Self-reliance, Self assurance, Self-esteem, Poise
Skepticism is a cancer to productivity and self-confidence. For you to move ahead in life, you need to be confident in yourself. You can amount to whatever you choose in life even if nobody believes in you, but when you begin to doubt your capability you are on your way to oblivion. In other words, believe in yourself even if nobody else does.
A major key to achieving your definite goal in life is self-belief. Your mind is central to becoming self-confident; that is, your thoughts are the foundation on which you build your accomplishments. Fear is the mind killer. Self-confidence starts the moment you eliminate fear. Lack of self-confidence breeds fear, and fear leads to failure. So start believing in yourself and start believing in everyone around you. This commences with the affirmation of self-confidence and taking action to practice it. Remember that whatever you actively commit to your subconscious mind and repeatedly practice will show up in your life. From now on, let everything about you; the look on your face, the way you walk, your posture, the way you speak and your way of life radiate self-confidence. Endeavor to form a habit of self-confidence.
Take a study of extremely successful individuals, you will find highly confident men. Self-confident people do not listen to negative opinions of others on them. They continuously believe in themselves even when no one else believes in them. Note that, others will only believe in you when you believe in yourself.
This is my power word for today; believe in yourself.